Spring Guns & Ammo's Team of Certified Instructors
The Instructor team at SGA is among the best in the state of Texas. Our instructors come from a wide range of backgrounds, each uniquely equipped in their field of speciality. Whether its a License to Carry Course, a Defensive AR Class, or a Learn to Shoot Class, our team of instructors will teach you how to be safe and effective in a wide variety of situations.

Alejandra Viteri
Spanish Speaking Instructor
National Rifle Association (NRA) Certified Pistol Instructor
- Texas License to Carry (LTC) Certified Instructor
- Bilingual - English & Spanish
- 10 Years Experience
Depending on your experience level (from beginners to more advanced shooters), her Instruction Class can include all or parts of the following:
- Gun Safety
- Gun components and mechanics
- Proper posture, position and handling
- Shooting techniques
- Real-world scenarios
- Protection and tips
- Individual and group classes are available for women, men and youth of all ages.
Instructora de la NRA (Asociación Nacional de Rifle) e Instructora de Texas para portación de armas (LTC)
- Con 10 años de experiencia!
Dependiendo del nivel de experiencia del cliente, desde los que recién comienzan a más avanzados para perfeccionamiento. Las clases incluyen:
- Seguridad con las armas
- Mecanismo y componentes del arma
- Postura apropiada, posición y manejo
- Técnicas de tiro
- Recreación de situaciones reales
- Protección y consejos Las clases pueden ser individuales o para grupos, para mujeres, hombres, mixto, adolescentes y niños.
Para programar clases llamar al 281-948-4496 para las sucursales de Woodlands y Spring.
Pam Branam
NRA Certified Pistol Instructor
- Texas certified License to Carry Instructor
- Texas certified School Safety Instructor
- NRA Range Safety Officer
- Defensive Pistol Instructor
- Learn to Shoot Instructor
- Off-Body Concealed Carry Instructor
- A Girl & A Gun Women's Shooting League Facilitator & Trainer
- Personal Firearm Instructor offering private or group lesson available for women, men, and youth of all ages
Pam is a proud native Texan and has been an avid firearm enthusiast for over 30 years. She now uses those skills to help train, educate and encourage others to shoot. She is also an avid outdoorsman and hunter, being proficient with a bow, AR-15, AK-47 and a variety of other hunting rifles.
Kris Mayfield
28 Years state and federal Law Enforcement
28 Years state and federal Law Enforcement, Federal/State certified firearms instructor coordinator (FIC). Federal Firearms Instructor Training Program (FITP) National Instructor. 22Years as Special Operations Division, Special Response Team (SRT) 15years as SRT Forward Observer (Sniper)and Instructor- Federal/State certified firearms instructor coordinator (FIC)
- Federal Firearms Instructor Training Program (FITP) National Instructor
- 22 Years as Special Operations Division
- Special Response Team (SRT)
- 15 years as SRT Forward Observer (Sniper) and Instructor
Brandon Campbell
Professional law enforcement and general public firearms instructor
- Certified Texas License to Carry Firearms Instructor
- Certified Professional Firearms Trainer and Firearms Course Developer
- prior Department of Treasury Distinguished Weapons Expert
- prior U. S. Customs Tactics and Firearms Course Developer, Program Manager
- prior Department of Defense Law Enforcement Firearms Instructor
- prior National Rifle Association, Law Enforcement Division, Firearms Instructor
Brandon brings his advanced training techniques to Spring Guns and Ammo focusing on new and intermediate firearms enthusiast. Advancing new firearms participants rapidly to achieve confidence and proficiency in the areas of defensive personal protection.
Greg Evans
NRA Certified Pistol Instructor
- U.S. Marine Corps veteran
- Certified Texas License to Carry Instructor
- Glock Certified Armorer
- Smith & Wesson Certified Armorer
Greg teaches many courses for Spring Guns and Ammo. Courses include License to Carry, Learn to Shoot, Defensive Pistol, and Defensive AR.
Steve Gage
Firearms Instructor for Spring Guns and Ammo
- Former Houston Police Officer; Served 28 years retired in 2017
- Patrol Officer
- Homicide Detective
- Training Officer
- Tactical Training Courses Attended:
- Basic Revolver
- Basic Handgun
- Basic Low Light Primary Weapon
- Basic Marksmanship
- Soft Impact Weapon Training
- Officer Safety Awareness
- Responce To Active Shooters
- Firearms Shooting Investigations
- Currently Employed By Texas Law Shield:
- Part Time Sales Rep.
- Present Seminars , Active Shooter, Home Invasion
- Currently a Firearms Instructor for Spring Guns and Ammo since 2013:
- Learn to Shoot Instructor
- Defensive Pistol Instructor
Melinda Soliday
Texas Certified LTC Instructor
- Texas Concealed Handgun Association Instructor
- NRA Certified Pistol and Rifle Instructor
- NRA Certified RSO
- Facilitator for the Crosby-Dayton Chapter of A Girl & A Gun
Teaching Basic Pistol Classes, Learn to Shoot Classes, Range Safety Classes, Private and Group Firearm Instruction.
Donna Bussey
NRA Certified Firearm Instructor
- NRA Certified Range Safety Officer
- Instructor for Learn To Shoot Class
- Instructor for Defensive Pistol Class
Build your confidence with Private Lessons for Defensive Shooting for beginner, intermediate and experienced shooters. Increase your gun handling skill levels and practical defensive techniques.